Experience Treasure Coast Girls Coalition

Working Towards a Brighter Future

At Treasure Coast Girls Coalition, our programs and activities are designed to be a catalyst that helps girls and young women reach their goals and fulfill their potential. Our curriculum is currently being offered up to 4 days per week after school.

Our Mission

Treasure Coast Girls Coalition educates, elevates, and empowers girls to be the best they can be.

Our core values and beliefs

We believe in educational play so that learning is fun and that our participants will develop to become community resources.

What we strive for

Treasure Coast Girls Coalition aims to elevate and empower the lives of girls ages 9-18 from economically challenged and fragile communities that attend schools in Indian River County and live at or below the 200% poverty threshold.

Our vision is to provide opportunities for young women to learn and work together in planning and participating in community projects, developing responsibility, bonding, and bridging social capital.