Thank You to Our Generous Sponsors!

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the incredible sponsors who have supported the Treasure Coast Girls Coalition. Your generosity and dedication have made it possible for us to contribute to creating safe, affordable housing and empowering families in need.

Because of your support, we’ve been able to:

  • Bring women and girls together to make a lasting impact on our community.

  • Provide resources and opportunities to help build and empower our young women.

  • Inspire positive change through empowerment, education, and compassion.

Your partnership makes a real difference, and we are honored to have you standing alongside us in this mission. Together, we are not only empowering the young women of tomorrow; but also strengthening our community and creating brighter futures for those in need.

Thank you for being part of this journey with us. We couldn’t do it without you

Laraine K. Harrison Charitable Fund

Barkett Family Foundation

Nason Family Foundation